lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

Ingles. Profa. Claudia. 2dos.

Profa. Claudia Carlota Cabrera Berruecos

SECOND GRADE   Week 4 (27 April-1st May)


Buen día, deseo que ustedes y su familia se encuentren bien. Es muy importante que no dejen que el trabajo se vaya acumulando, pensando que lo harán rápido, eviten estrés innecesario.

Recuerda que todo lo que en este blog estoy publicando deberás tenerlo en tu cuaderno ya sea pegado o copiado y todos los ejercicios contestados y corregidos por ti misma, para esto, del lunes 27 de abril al viernes 1º de mayo revisaremos las respuestas de los 3 ejercicios que hiciste durante Week 1 (23 a 27 de marzo), las primeras 4 alumnas del grado, sin importar el grupo, que escriban en comentarios todas las respuestas correctas de los 3 ejercicios, obtendrán 4 décimas sobre su promedio. Solo podrán subir sus respuestas una vez por alumna.

En comentarios deberás escribir tu nombre completo, grupo y sólo las respuestas con que completaste los ejercicios, especificando el número de ejercicio y oración.

Revisaré lo que publiquen y cuando suba las actividades de la semana 5 les diré quienes obtuvieron las décimas 

En el caso de que no hubiera respuestas correctas, yo las publicaré junto con las actividades de la semana 5 para que ustedes corrijan sus ejercicios.

A continuación, les presento los ejercicios a trabajar esta semana del 27 de abril al 1º de mayo.

La semana pasada comenzamos a aprender el uso de will/won’t. Aquí te dejo un cuadro que deberás pegar o copiar en tu cuaderno sobre el uso del futuro “be + going to” y “will”, analizalo.


5 comentarios:

  1. _*Renata Mendoza Fuentes 2'A*_

    Exercise 1:
    1-I am going to avoid being exposed to the virus,so I´m not going to go out.I´m going to stay at home
    2-I will wash my hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
    3-I am not going to touch my eyes,nose,and mouth with unwashed hands
    4-I will try to avoid close contact with people who are sick
    5-I am going to cover my mouth and nosen with a tissue or use the inside of my elbow when I cough or sneeze
    6-I am going to throw used tissues in the trash
    7-I will not wear a facemask if am not sick,they should be saved for caregivers or sick people
    8-I will going to stay in my house in the cuarentine
    9-We will avoid the visits in our house(For example,my dad visits)
    10-We are not going to buy ALL THE TOILET PAPER and we will considerate the other people who REALLY NEEDS THEM

    Exercise 2
    1-Mexico´s health care system is predicted to face significant pressure
    2-Maybe 1.3 million of people will catch the disease
    3-130000 people will need hospital care
    4-Public,private and social activities (non-esencial)will be suspended between March 30 and April 30(hahahaha)
    5-People can´t go out,they ONLY can do it if is EXTREMLY NECESARY
    3-am not
    8-I am going to eat ALL the food in my house
    9-I am not prepared for this cuarentine,please save me,I want to go outside :(
    10-I am going to see ALL the Karmaland episodes,memes and BTS videos in this cuarentine,but I will not make the draws I promised to my friends UwU

    1-I will go to the minimarket and buy a lot of chips,and I will eat them
    2-I am going to go outside with my dad,and we will eat an Ice Cream
    3-I will go to the school
    4-I will hug someone,probably my friends
    5-Probably I will not want to be anymore with my mom like 1 week
    6-I will carry my BT21 pen to the school,and use it
    7-I will go (in the summer) to my dad´s house and play with his cats
    8-I will go to FCA and LGBT+ protest
    9-Probably I will go to buy asian food(Like kimchi and ramyon)and eat them
    10-Improve my grades and have a lot of fun

    Exercise 3

    2-My dad will not visit Canada
    3-Mary won´t get a part time job next summer vacation
    4-Tomorrow they will buy a car
    5-Next month Peter snd Tom will move to another country (South Korea :D)

  2. María Fernanda Olivares Morales 2°B

    Week 1 Exercise 1
    1. I´m going to avoid being exposed to the virus, so I´m not going out. I´m going to stay at home.
    2. I am going to wash my hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
    3. I am not going to touch my eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
    4. I am going to avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    5. I am going to cover my mouth and nose with a tissue or use the inside of my elbow when I cough and sneeze.
    6. I am going to throw used tissues in the trash.
    7. I am not going to wear a facemask if I am not sick, they should be saved for caregivers or sick people.
    8. I am going to avoid going out of muy house until the quarantine ends.
    9. I am going to keep on movement, doing exercise and reading.
    10.I am going to keep calm and doing important things like homework.

    Week 1 exercise 2/part 1
    1. My mom is going to stay at home for the next two weeks.
    2. My classmates and I are going to do the school tasks at home.
    3. I am not going to go on vacation.
    4. My friends aren´t going to go to the cinema.
    5. We aren´t going to go to the park.
    6. I am going to play videogames.
    7. I am going to read an interesting book.

    Week 1 exercise 2/part 2
    8. My dad isn´t going to go out unless it´s necessary.
    9. We aren´t going to stop being active and doing exercise.
    10. I am going to have fun at home.

    Week 1 exercise 3
    1. When the quarantine is over, I am going to spend time with my friends and family.
    2. I am going to play soccer at the park.
    3. I am going to buy many washi-tapes and markers.
    4. I am going to visit my grandma and cousins.
    5. I am going to hang out with my friends.
    6. I am going to go on a vacation.
    7. I am going to enjoy some fresh air.
    8. I am going to ride my bike.
    9. I am going to eat at many restaurants.
    10. I am going to go for a walk.

  3. Galia Cotija Alquiciras 2°B
    exercise 1:
    1. I am going to avoid being exposed to the virus, so I am not going to go out. I´m going to stay at home.
    2. I am going to wash my hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
    3. I am not going to touch my eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
    4. I am going to avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    5. I am going to cover my mouth and nose with a tissue or use the inside of my elbow when I cough or sneeze.
    6. I am going to throw used tissues in the trash.
    7. I am not going to wear a facemask if am not sick, they should be saved for caregivers or sick people.
    8. I am going to avoid going out of my house util the quarantine ends.
    9. I am going to keep on movement until the quarantine ends doing exercise.
    10. I am going to keep doing my homework.
    exercise 2:
    1. My mom is going to stay at home for the next two weeks.
    2. My classmates and I are going to do the school tasks at home.
    3. I am not going to go on vacation.
    4. My friends aren´t going to go to the cinema.
    5. We are going to spend more time with the family.
    6. I am going to play video games.
    7. I am going to read an interesting book.
    8. My mom is going to cook enchiladas the next friday.
    9. My uncle is going to work online the next month.
    10. I am going to play mobile legends the next saturday.
    exercise 3:
    1. I am going to play in the park
    2. I am going to visit my sister.
    3. I am going to buy an ice cream with my sister.
    4. I am going to buy clothing for my mother.
    5. I am going to visit my maternal grandmother,
    6. I am going to play with my nephew.
    7. I am going to visit Hidalgo with my family.
    8. I am going to buy clothing for my nephew.
    9. I am going to go to the cinema with my family.
    10. I am going to go to my uncle´s taqueria.

  4. Quintero may Frida Sofía 2* A
    1. I am going to avoid being exposed to the virus, so I'm not going to go out. I'm going to stay at home. 2. I will wash my hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
    3. I am not clean to touch my eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
    4. I will be at home to avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    5. I am going to cover my mouth and nose with a tissue or use the inside of my elbow when I cough or sneeze.
    6. I will use bags to throw used tissues in the trash.
    7. I no wear a facemask ir am not sick, they should be saved for caregivers or sick pelple.
    8. I will not go to the hospitd if I have symptoms ,if not I will call so that they come to muy house.
    9. I will not go in vacation because I am in quarantime.
    10. I will disinfect my house with everything I can to keep it clean.
    Exercise 2
    1. My mom is going to Stay at home next two weeks.
    2. My classmates and I are going to do the school tasks at home.
    3. I aren’t going to go in vacation.
    4. My friends not going to go the cinema.
    5. We am going to spend more time with the family.
    6. I are going to play video games.
    7. I is going to read an interesting book.
    8. I am going to do my homework in two days.
    9. All the girls are not going to do the homework the first week
    10. Everything is world will be a long time on the phone or television.
    Exercise 3
    1. I am going to the cinema
    2. I'm going to go see my friends
    3. I am going to go school
    4. I am going to go buy clothes
    5. I'm going to go eat tacos
    6. I will go on vacation when I am on vacation
    7. I am going to go visit my family
    8. I am going to go to the park
    9. I am going to go to a museum
    10. I am going to go party

  5. Zitlalpopoca Espinosa Xiadani Quetzalli 2°B

    1. I'm going to avoid being exposed to the virus, so I'm not going to go out. I'm going to stay at home.
    2. I am going to wash my hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
    3. I am not going to touch my eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
    4. I am going to avoid close contact with people who are sick.
    5. I am going to cover my mouthand nose with a tissue or use the inside of my elbow when I cough or sneeze.
    6. I am going to throw used tissues in the trash.
    7. i am not going to wear a facemask if I'm not sick, they should be saved for caregivers or sick people.

    8. I am going to put distance between myself and other people.
    9. I am not going to use a facemask meant for a healthcare worker.
    10. I am going to clean dirty surfaces with detergent or soap and water pior to disinfection.

    1. My mom IS going to stay at home next two weeks.
    2. My classmates and I ARE going to do the school tasks at home.
    3. I AM NOT going to go on vacation.
    4. My friends AREN'T going to go to the cinema.
    5. We ARE going to spend more time with the family.
    6. I AM going to play videogames.
    7. I AM going to read an interesting book.

    8. My family and I AREN'T going to go to Chapultepec.
    9. I AM going to sleep more.
    10. I AM NOT going to go to my ballet class.

    1. I am going to go to the cinema.
    2. My friend and I are going to go to our ballet class.
    3. My family and I are going to take a walk to Chapultepec.
    4. I am going to go out with my dad.
    5. I am going to buy some new clothes.
    6. I am not going to stay at home all day like i do now.
    7. My mom is going to go to work.
    8. My family and I are going to visit Cordoba, Veracruz.
    9. I am not going to get bored anymore.
    10. I am going to go back to school.
